Human nose is a impotant facial feature that provides essential functions in breathing, smelling, and filtering the air we inhale. Structurally, it is composed of bone, cartilage, and soft tissue, each contributing to its shape and function.

External Parts of the Nose

  1. Nasal Bone: These are paired bones forming the bridge of the nose, providing support and shape to the upper part of the nose.
  2. Septal Cartilage: This is a flat, thin structure that separates the two nostrils, providing support and maintaining the nose’s shape.
  3. Lateral Nasal Cartilage: Located on the sides of the septal cartilage, these help shape the middle portion of the nose.
  4. Minor Alar Cartilage: These small, flexible cartilages are located at the sides of the nostrils and contribute to the shape and structure of the nasal tip.
  5. Greater Alar Cartilage: Large, curved cartilages that form the outer contour of the nostrils and the tip of the nose, playing a critical role in nostril shape.
  6. Alar Fibrofatty Tissue: The soft tissue and fat around the nostrils that provide flexibility and resilience to the nose.
  7. Medial Crus: The inner part of the greater alar cartilage, contributing to the shape and support of the nasal tip.
  8. Footplate: The lower end of the medial crus that supports the nostrils and helps maintain their shape.
  9. Nasal Septal Cartilage: Another term for septal cartilage, central in dividing the nasal cavity into two nostrils.

These components collectively provide structural integrity, aesthetic shape, and functionality to the human nose.